We Give Thanks 2001 stamp

On this Sunday morning, before the rush begins this Thanksgiving Week, today’s blog post is on the We Give Thanks 2001 stamp.

The design of the We Give Thanks stamp appeals to me and I love its simplicity.

The Thanksgiving stamp was issued on October 19, 2001, by the US Postal Service.

There are times when its already been said the best; therefore, I’m sharing two short summaries of the stamp that really do say it best!

National Postal Museum from September 2001:

The US Thanksgiving holiday, observed on the fourth Thursday of November, stems from a rich history of celebrations. The best known of these celebrations is the first harvest festival at Plymouth, Massachusetts, where in autumn 1621 colonists and Native Americans gathered for a three-day feast to offer thanks for a bountiful harvest. In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln issued a Proclamation of Thanksgiving, marking the beginning of national recognition of an annual Thanksgiving holiday in the United States. The Thanksgiving stamp is part of the Holiday Celebrations Series.

From Mystic Stamp Company:

“This issue is the first Holiday Celebrations Series stamp to spotlight Thanksgiving Day. It recalls both historic stories of America’s “First Thanksgiving” and more recent memories of traditional family gatherings. A quilted cornucopia pattern on the stamp symbolizes an abundant harvest and the promise of future prosperity.”

Thank you for joining me today.   Wishing you a joyous Sunday as We Give Thanks for the week of Thanksgiving ahead!

Anchors Aweigh,  


We Give Thanks 2001 stamp Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today –

Excerpt US Postal Museum Thanksgiving Issue, Reference: Postal Bulletin (September 20, 2001). @PostalMuseum

Image above and excerpt:  USPSStamps U.S. #3546 34¢ We Give Thanks Holiday Celebrations Series.  Mystic Stamp Company. @USPSStamps





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