2016 Jack O Lanterns Forever Halloween Stamps

The 2016 Jack O Lanterns Forever Halloween Stamps are now available from the US Postal Service.  Happy Monday !

Today’s blog post is “Short and SWEET”!  Seeing these stamps beckons images of candy corn.  

First of all, it is interesting to note this is the first time the USPS is having Halloween-themed stamps.

In addition, there are four different designs of these Jack-o’-lanterns.    They are available in booklet format – Jack-o’-lanterns Book of 20 stamps come in a double-sided pane.  There are also press sheets available through the Stamp Fulfillment Services division of 120 stamps.

The first day of issue was Thursday, September 29, 2016, at Anoka, Minnesota.

Especially relevant, I’m including this short YouTube on Anoka: Halloween Capital of the World.

As we wrap up today’s blog post, see if you don’t notice Candy Corn while out this week!  Also, let’s have fun hand-drawing candy corn onto blank notecards to send with these stamps!   Here’s to a great week ahead!
Anchors Aweigh,   


2016 Jack O Lanterns Forever Halloween Stamps Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today — 

USPS.com Jack-o’-lanterns Book of 20 stamps

U.S. Postal Service Announces 2016 Halloween Stamps.  Halloween Daily News September 13, 2016, by Matt Artz.

US Postal Service September 29, 2016, Press ReleaseThe Iconic Symbols of Halloween Debuted on Forever Stamps Today. Halloween Capital of the World Hosts the Dedication Ceremony

Link to Official Website for Anoka Halloween of Anoka, Minnesota

YouTube Anoka: Halloween Capital of the World posted by NorthMetroTV Published on October 17, 2013.



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